Cashew Quick Soak

Have a recipe calling for Overnight Soaked Cashews? Did you forget to soak cashews? No worries! You can achieve soaked cashews in less than 20 minutes! It is simple, easy and hassle free - they are ready as soon as their 15 minute soak is up. 

Why soak cashews? 

Aside from the obvious texture change (making them a little bit easier to whip up into "cashew cream", did you know there are health benefits? By soaking, you are breaking down the phytic acid so it can be absorbed (by your body) properly. Nuts also have high amounts of enzymes inhibitors. This is another reason why un soaked nuts are hard to digest. Soaking nuts can neutralize the enzymes allowing for proper digestion. 

Think about this next time you enjoy any nuts! As for my Quick Soak method - here is what you need. 


  • Cashews (however many you need for the recipe) usually 1-2 cups
  • Water to cover the cashews - with a little wiggle room (they will absorb some of the moisture)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice 
Lemon Juice? 

Somehow the acid in lemon juice helps to soften the cashews! 

What you do:

  • Add cashew to a pan
  • Cover with water - heat on high until boiling
  • Once boiling, add lemon juice
  • Remove from heat - let stand for 15 minutes
  • Strain and rinse well
  • Use and enjoy


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