Rattlesnake Ledge

Last weekend, we had plans to hit the North Cascades for hiking. I had done a lot of research and tried to find some good fall colors with a great hike to make the long drive worth it. We had planned to do the Maple Pass Loop Trail  and I was really excited to see the sights and experience a new mountain. 

Well, life with a toddler is unpredictable. Our morning got an incredibly late start, and by the time we were almost ready to leave - I didn't think we would have an enjoyable trip after a two and a half hour drive, possible four hour hike, then another two and a half hour drive home. I decided we would head somewhere closer to home, and so we decided to change our plans, last minute. Instead of north, we headed south and decided to try out Rattlesnake Ledge. 

We started our day off with delicious smoothies. There is no better way to start your day. 

(For two extremely large smoothies) I start with 4 Tbs. pb2 (powdered peanut butter, most of the fats removed) 2 Tbs. ground flax, lots of kale, a fresh banana, lots of frozen blue berries, frozen mangoes and frozen red raspberries. Before blending, I put in a cup in a half or so of soy milk. We ate half of a whole wheat bagel, topped with hummus and fresh sliced cucumber as well. Perfect power breakfast for a hike.

We devoured our bagels quickly, then took our smoothies to enjoy on the 45 minute ride. As we were packing up the car, Bosco (my dog, shmorkie - shihtzu, Maltese, Yorkie mix) was so excited. He was running circles around me whining, he couldn't wait to go on an adventure with us. I know he doesn't really look like a hiker, but this dog a trooper! He keeps up with me, no problem. 

When we first arrived at the hiking location, the first thing I noticed was all the cars and people. The parking lot location does share multiple recreation trails and activities, so that could be it, but this trail is very heavily trafficked, there is no denying that. There are also mountain biking trails there and a lake - we noticed a lot of people getting their pictures taken by photographers. 

Despite all the people and cars, the location was undeniably beautiful. Breathtaking honestly. 

That ledge above me - that's where we hiked to! 

I am not sure why, but there were tons of these stumps all around and in the lake, which made for some incredible photo opportunities. 

We scoped out the lake and the area, then decided to tackle the four mile hike and planned to enjoy our picnic after. 

The trail wasn't bad. It was a steady, minor incline the whole way. A lot of days I feel as though I am out of shape (despite working out a lot) I am not super toned at the moment, and I am not even that consistent in my workouts - although I try to be active every day, most days I am left feeling like I could and should do more. Yes, I should - but at least I try every day, right? 

Once we hit the trail, though, we instantly starting passing people. I almost felt bad about how fast we were zooming past all these other couples. My intention is never to belittle or make people feel ashamed. I think anyone spending any time outdoors and even doing very minor activities should be celebrated! A year ago, I started walking a quarter mile a day, now I am running 5k's, busting out hikes and doing long bike rides. You have to start somewhere - and just the act of starting is an honorable move! But, we were flying - and it felt great.

I was drenched in sweat when we got to the top (which took about 45 minutes). I felt amazing and was not expecting such an incredible, exciting and amazing view! (Although we did have to share it with probably 50 people, it was still worth it! Company is never a bad thing either.)

There was a large protruding ledge, most people were shying away from. I couldn't fight the urge to climb out on it and just let the view sink in. I spent a good 10 minutes out there, just reflecting on life, and admiring all the beautiful trees, the unique shape of the mountains surrounding me, and the snow dusted mountain tops. (I despise snow, but I can appreciate its beauty, as long as it stays very high in the mountains.)

My husband snapped some cool shots of me enjoying my many views from my ledge, and despite being surrounded by lots of people, being on a mountain ledge, so high up, I felt so empowered and alive. I didn't even notice the crowd of people behind me.

After taking it all in for a while, we decided to start down the mountain. I got really excited for the descent and decided I was going to trail run at least part of it. Bosco and I flew down the mountain, probably in half the time it took to get to the top. And somehow - even with a child in a pack, my husband was only about 5 minutes behind me! We met up at our car at the bottom, and I took the cooler to the lake to set up our picnic.

I had made my Slow Cooker Lentil Soup over night, the night before. We brought that in thermoses, also brought some whole wheat french bread to dip in it (total comfort food after a cool autumn hike). We had bananas and larabars with our soup and bread. I tend to carb overload after exercise. 

I tend to keep my blood sugars in the upper 100's to lower 200's when starting exercise. I was happy it was at this level after the hike instead of completely tanking. For the rest of the day, it was quite low though, once the adrenaline wares off, it is hard to keep up. I blame diabetes, not the exercise LOL.

After our yummy, filling, comfort picnic, we toddled around the lake with our toddler. Played in the leaves and the rocks and climbed all over the tree trunks. This is how Saturdays are meant to be spent. I hope in a few years these short hikes, will turn into week long backpacking trips, my heart is happiest in the mountains.

Overall, I would recommend this trail to anyone. Especially beginners, it was very easy, short and still had an incredible, breathtaking view. It turned out to be about 4.5 total miles with an elevation gain of about 1,300 feet. Very simple, still a great workout and a great place to begin. I look forward to more of our hikes, and sharing them here - my physical activity is such a big part of my life, it only makes sense to share it on my lifestyle blog. XOXOXO GET OUTSIDE AND MOVE! Muagh 


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